We are offering USS Thomas C. Hart (DE/FF-1092) ballcaps, TCH T-shirts, metal lapel pins, tie pins and bars, mouse pads and Koozies. Please print the order form and mail your order with check/money order (made payable to USS Thomas C Hart Veterans Association) to our Storekeeper,
John Ebata709 N. Marshall StCaledonia, MN 55921
Click here to download the Order Form

In addition to these items carried in limited quantities in our own Ship’s Store, you may find other TC Hart emblazoned items of interest in a number of military retail sites. One such site is included below as an example. We have also found a number of TCH “treasures” on sites such as ebay. Our website is not promoting or advertising for any other resource for TCH related items, but just would like to put out some info in response to a number of queries about where to find TC Hart goodies. Happy hunting!!!