27 August 2023
The 2023 TCHVA Reunion celebrating the 50th anniversary of Thomas C Hart commissioning has come to a close. Over 40 former shipmates along with close to 40 spouses, family members and friends were able to participate throughout the event that ran from 22 – 26 August 2023 in Norfolk/Virginia Beach. Close to 90 attendees joined together on Saturday, 26 August 2023 for a banquet featuring two guest speakers, former Commanding Officer Captain David Rollins and Plankowner LT Kerry Long were guest speakers. The 5+ day itinerary can be viewed at the 2023 Reunion Brochure below.

A big THANKS to all who took the time to travel to Norfolk & Virginia Beach for the Reunion, and we hope you all enjoyed the event and your travel home was a safe one. While there were some challenges, Hart crewmembers still remembered how to make the best of those situations. Folks who were there know what we mean. We will be developing a section in the site once we have accumulated the necessary portfolio of pictures that highlights places visited and friendships renewed and furthered. So stay tuned!!!
20 August 2023
TCHVA Reunion 2023 is this coming Tuesday 22 August 2023 and runs until Sunday 27 August 2023. We have received the last update from our planner on attendees. So check the “See Who is Attending tab for info.
Of course there still could be some folks who choose to not reserve their spot, and just show up for the event, which is GREAT as well. Folks will be there to register you, sign you up for tours or the Saturday Banquet, or simply choose to mix and mingle with former shipmates and friends. You can click on the 2023 Reunion Brochure tab below for more information.
9 June 2023:
The time to make your reservations at the Holiday Inn Virginia Beach – Norfolk is fast approaching!
22 July 2023 is the last day to lock in our TCHVA Reunion rate. We just added another block of rooms, and you need to call the hotel directly to make those reservations. Then you need to fill out the reservation form for the reunion and mail that to our event coordinator. All that info is in the 2023 Reunion Brochure available at the below link. Hope to see many more of you there
27 March 2023:
Please check the “Who’s Attending?” tab for the latest registration information regarding former shipmates, family and friends who have indicated they have either registered or indicated plans to attend the August 2023 TCHVA Reunion in Norfolk. We will update the table as we receive the info from our event planner. Hope to see many of you there!!!